Meeting Minutes 2019
Angle Pond Lake Association
Spring Meeting – Minutes
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Hampstead Library 6:30pm
President-Kathy Smith
Vice President-Rick Leather (excused)
Secretary-Melissa Gould
Treasurer – Bill Fleischmann (excused)
Communications – Louise Sayre
Member-at-Large – Vera Kirk
Start: 6:35pm (No Speaker)
Introductions of board members
Secretary’s Report – Reported by Melissa Gould
See minutes from October 13, 2018.
Treasure’s Report – Reported by Louise Sayre for Bill Fleischman
Checking account $3,607.42
Savings $2,542.75
CD $11,712.96
Total $17, 863.13
The APLA spends approximately $1500 a year for water testing, website fees, the cost the APLA PO box and the yearly bbq.
Social Committee Report – Tom Hensiek
Upcoming social events of the APLA are the upcoming BBQ which will be held at Richie Towne’s home on Holt Point Road on Saturday, July 20. The meeting will start at 11am and a BBQ and raffle will follow. Raffle items are donated by members. If anyone has a raffle item they would like to provide please contact Vera Kirk at 603-329-5739. The APLA fishing derby will be held on Sunday, August 18th. Meet at the boat ramp on Trues Parkway.
Wildlife Committee Report – Jim Henneman
Beavers have been seen around the lake but are causing no problems. Other members reported seeing ospreys, herons, loons and a swan. If any APLA member has a wildlife nuisance issue please contact Jim Henneman at 603-770-6753.
Water Quality Report – Brant Sayre
Since 2014 all water testing done on Angle Pond have been status quo from samples taken in June, July and August of each year. Weeds have been the primary issue. Discussion continued about the cloudy or yellow tinge to the water which Brant said was generated from sediment due to run off and generally clears as spring turns to summer. The fishy smell is caused naturally by the lake turning over and is a natural occurrence. Brant keeps an eye on runoff from the horse farm.
Weed Committee Report – Reported by Jeanne Fraser
Jeanne has been going out in her boat to look at the weeds in the lake and she has seen a few bladderwort and water lilies but no milfoil so far as of this report. Invasive plants are usually the first to be seen but the lack of sunlight during spring may have slowed the growth of the plants. Milfoil was found on Angle Pond for the first time in July of 2018 and and the state sent divers to remove it at no cost to APLA. Jeanne is watching closely for any milfoil. The New Hampshire Lakes Association – a state agency – sent divers to Angle Pond last year to remove the milfoil in the hopes of successfully eliminating it altogether if caught early. Jeanne will continue to be in contact with the state if she spots any milfoil in the lake in 2019. If milfoil returns, it is up to the state if they will continue to send divers at their expense to remove additional milfoil . The association is aware that if milfoil continues to grow and spread a significant amount of money will be needed to help mitigate the situation without state help. Milfoil can grow an inch a day and if no action is taken, milfoil could overtake the lake in a short period of time
President’s Report – Reported by Kathy Smith
The association is considering raising the dues from $40 per family to possibly $50 per family for 2020. For 2019 dues will remain at $40. The increase in dues beginning in 2020 would be to continue to build a cushion in the APLA bank account in the event that milfoil needs to be mitigated on the pond without the help of the state. A member of APLA suggested that the cost to hire divers to remove milfoil at Big Island Pond costs as much as $150 per hour. Two APLA members, George Frick and Bob Downing mentioned they are looking into the possibility of getting certified by the state to dive and remove milfoil on Angle Pond.
At the summer meeting on July 20th a large map of Angle Pond will be brought to the meeting for the purpose of naming the coves. The purpose of this would be to institute standard reference points across the entire lake to track the location of any milfoil that is discovered.
There are open board positions which include Vice President, Treasurer and Member at Large*. Melissa Gould and Vera Kirk are on the nominating committee. If you have an interest in serving on the board, please contact Vera Kirk at 603-329-5739 or call or text Melissa Gould at 603-548-6028. Elections are will be held at the summer meeting on July 20.
July 4th weekend volunteers will be doing a canvas of all houses on the lake or with lake rights. A sign up sheet was passed around and volunteers will be canvasing in small groups. The board will provide an informational flyer to hand out with the date of the summer BBQ, an invitation to participate in the boat parade on the 4th of July, an update on milfoil that was discovered last summer, purpose of the association, lake info, etc. The canvas is also an opportunity for people to pay their yearly APLA dues.
Vera Kirk will again be collecting raffle items to raise funds for the association. Almost any donation is welcome! In the past raffle items have included gas cards, Mary Kay basket, framed photo, APLA sweatshirts and hats, pop cakes, wine, a Coke basket, decorative signs and mirrors, etc. If you have something you would like to donate, please contact Vera Kirk at 603-329-5739.
Open Discussion
A member raised the idea of having a buoy on the pond. The purpose would be two fold: to inform lake users about lake topics (milfoil) and as a means (possibly through Paypal) to accept donations. The member will check into any state laws that exist surrounding putting a buoy on the lake and report back at the summer meeting.
We are always looking for speakers at our spring, summer and fall meetings. A member suggested that someone from Big Island Pond could come to speak on the topic of how they are working to mitigate milfoil on Big Island Pond. If you have speakers willing to come, please call or text Kathy Smith at 603-329-6838.
New attendees
Several new Sandown residents attended the meeting from Trues Parkway, Beach Road and Birch Drive & Grandview. All introduced themselves and were welcomed into the association.
APLA Clothing for Sale – Brant Sayre
At each meeting APLA clothing items are offered for sale. Items include polo shirts, t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, etc.
End: 7:45pm
* previously posted minutes contained an error about the open board positions for the upcoming year. The above minutes have been corrected.
Angle Pond Lake Association
Summer Meeting – Minutes
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Home of Richie Towne, 23 Holts Point Road, Hampstead, NH 11:00am
President-Kathy Smith
Vice President-Rick Leather
Secretary-Melissa Gould
Treasurer – Bill Fleischmann
Member-at-Large – Vera Kirk
Start: 11:00am
President’s Report – Reported by Kathy Smith
Kathy thanked Bob Iacopucci for the boat that pulled the 4 skiers on 2 laps around the lake and for the boats in the boat parade on the 4th of July. She also thanked Adam Lamond for the wonderful fireworks and the singing of God Bless America. She then introduced the current board members and thanked the two outgoing members of the board, Bill Fleishmann, Treasurer and Vera Kirk, Member at Large, for their time on the board. Kathy asked for nominations from the floor for the positions of Vice President and Treasurer. Hearing none, George Frick accepted the position as APLA Vice President and Jerry Theriault accept the position of APLA Treasurer. There two positions ran unopposed. All newly elected positions are effective as of July 20, 2019.
Kathy thanked those that did the APLA canvas over the past few weeks. The membership in APLA is increasing, thanks and welcome to all current and new members. She also invited those that are interested in a meeting on July 25th at Hampstead Middle School a Public Hearing by HAWC (Hampstead Area Water Company) on the Angle Woods Large Well . This well may impact Angle Pond and surrounding residents.
Kathy introduced the speaker.
Speaker – Jennifer Waselchuck from Big Island Pond
Jennifer spoke about the challenges Big Island Pond has gone through to eradicate milfoil from their lake. After a volunteer program had only limited success, they hired the firm AB Aquatics to have certified divers remove the milfoil on an ongoing basis after the lake residents decided against a chemical solution. The organization Friends of Big Island Pond was formed as a 501C3 to accept donations to cover the cost. Jennifer said the cost was approximately $35,000. The state did provide some funding, about 25%. A Paypal account was also set up to facilitate donations to help cover the cost and a floating buoy on the late has info about how to make donations. After many years of work by AB Aquatics, the milfoil recovered each year is less and less. Big Island Pond reports that they have turned a corner and they continue to remove milfoil but they are in containment mode.
Secretary’s Report – Reported by Melissa Gould
See minutes from May 16, 2019.
Treasure’s Report – Reported by Bill Fleischman
Checking account $4,452
Savings $2,543
CD $11,742
Total $18,737
Wildlife Committee Report – Jim Henneman
Beavers have been seen by several residents around the lake but there have been no complaints. It has been over two years since any wildlife problems have been reported to the wildlife committee. If any APLA member has a wildlife nuisance issue please contact Jim Henneman at 603-770-6753.
Water Quality Report – Brant Sayre
The water level on the lake is higher than normal. Water testing is done every June, July and August. Brant thanked Bill Fleishmann, Richie Towne and Bill Sullivan for their assistance in helping get the water samples. All samples are then sent to the state. Since 2014 all the water reports on Angle Pond have come back as the same over the years. Good but not perfect. There is runoff from a horse farm which we are aware of an that we monitor. If you have a water concern, please contact Brant at 603-329-5272
Communications – Louise Sayre
If you have not been getting emails or if you have an updated email address please contact Louise so that she can update our APLA records. 603-329-5272
Social Committee Report – Tom Hensiek
The APLA fishing derby will be held on Sunday, August 18th. Meet at the boat ramp on Trues Parkway at 9am. Prizes will be provided for all!
Weed Committee Report – Reported by Jeanne Fraser
Jeanne showed a new map of Angle Pond with colored flags indicated areas of concern on the lake including the location of milfoil (Holts Point Cove) and the location of other invasive plants. Milfoil was found on Angle Pond for the first time in July of 2018 and and the state sent divers to remove it at no cost to APLA. Jeanne will continue to be in contact with the state to keep them up to date on the milfoil situation on our pond. Jeanne also discussed the good plants, cat tails, and the bad plants, phragmites and purple loosestrife. She brought sample and explained how the bad plants should be removed to prevent the seeds from scattering and spreading. If you spot invasive plants that you believe should be removed please contact any board member and we will be happy to confirm your assessment and provide additional information and training on proper removal. APLA is also looking for volunteers willing to become weed watchers around the lake If you would like to assist in the effort please contact a board member.
Election of Member at Large
Three APLA members put their names forward to fill the position of Member at Large, Tricia Edris ,Steve Shatford and Bill Sullivan. Bill Sullivan withdrew at the meeting. Tricia Edris and Steve Shatford gave a one minute address to the meeting attendees. One member of each APLA household that was present and had paid their 2019 dues was given a ballot to vote for Member at Large. The votes were counted by outgoing Vice President Ricky Leather and verified by Communications committee member Louise Bryant. Kathy Smith announced that Steve Shatford was voted in as the new APLA Member at Large.
The meeting was adjourned.
End: 1:00pm
Angle Pond Lake Association
Fall Meeting – Minutes
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Hampstead Library 10:00am
President-Kathy Smith
Vice President-George Frick
Secretary-Melissa Gould
Treasurer – Jerry Theriault
Communications – Louise Sayre (Excused)
Member-at-Large – Steve Shatford
Start of Meeting: 10:00am
Guest speaker from Marine Patrol, which is under the NH State Police, gave a one hour informative presentation and answered member questions. The focus of the talk was on boater safety.
President’s Report – Reported by Kathy Smith
Kathy reported that APLA dues have been $40 per family per year for the last 13-14 years without an increase. The board made a recommendation to up the APLA dues to $50 per family per year. A vote will be taken on this motion at the 2020 Spring APLA meeting. Date TBD. If approved, dues would increase to $50 beginning in July of 2020.
Secretary’s Report – Reported by Melissa Gould
See minutes from July 20, 2019.
Treasure’s Report – Reported by Jerry Theriault
Checking account $5,500
Savings $3,543
CD $11,762
$354 was made from the raffle held at the summer meeting/picnic.
Communications – as reported by Kathy Smith
APLA is looking for a second person to volunteer along with Louise in Communications. If interested, please contact a board member.
Water Quality Report – Brant Sayre
The water quality on Angle Pond has been consistent over the years. Good but not perfect. If you have a water concern, please contact Brant at 603-329-5272. Volunteer are needed to join the current water quality team for this important work during the summer. If interested, please contact a board member.
Wildlife Committee Report – as reported by Brant Sayre
No recent complaints of nuisance issues around Angle Pond have been reported to the wildlife committee. If any APLA member has a wildlife nuisance issue please contact Jim Henneman at 603-770-6753. Volunteers are also needed to join the wildlife committee. The wildlife committee traps animals (such as beavers) at the request of APLA homeowners if they are deemed to be causing a nuisance.
Weed Committee Report – Reported by Jeanne Fraser
As previously reported, milfoil was found in Holts Point Cove and was remedied by the state. Jeanne and her team of two continue to check around the entire lake during the Spring, Summer and Fall months. If you spot invasive plants that you believe should be removed please contact any board member and we will be happy to confirm your assessment and provide additional information and training on proper removal. Checking the plant life around the lake is a HUGE job, which would be made much easier if there were a larger team of weed watchers. APLA is looking for individuals willing to watch a portion of the lake for invasive species. Jeanne will train you! If you would like to assist in this crucial effort please contact a board member.
Open Discussion
One board has been removed from the dam. The remaining two board are expected to be removed next week. The board removal is NOT under the direction of APLA.
A member brought up that the Sandown Plannng Board approved the campground plan which is for 22 town homes, 11 of which will have docks (maximum) and no third party boats will be allowed. Currently it appears the campground is still for sale. This approved plan cannot be altered by the person who purchases the campground without prior approval of the town.
We are always looking for speakers at our spring, summer and fall meetings. A member suggested that someone from Big Island Pond could come to speak on the topic of how they are working to mitigate milfoil on Big Island Pond. If you have speakers willing to come, please call or text Kathy Smith at 603-329-6838.
New attendees
Several members attended the meeting from Aruda Road and East Lane. All introduced themselves and were welcomed into the association.
APLA Clothing for Sale – Brant Sayre
At each meeting APLA clothing items are offered for sale. Items include polo shirts, t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, etc.
End: 12:00pm