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Join a Committee

The Angle Pond Lake Association has five committees: Communications, Invasive Weed Watchers, Water Quality, Social and Wildlife. Committee members collect and deliver water samples, track and communicate test results, survey the pond for invasive species of weeds, aquatic creatures, and wildlife, and plan our social functions.
Communication Committee
To send communications to the members with information pertaining to water quality, invasive weeds or other aquatic life. To notify members, local newspapers and cable stations about upcoming events. Maintain an interaction with property owners and members of the Angle Pond Lake Association.
To keep the members of the association and the property owners informed as to what is happening on the lake. Keep an up to date list of all members email addresses for mailings.
The committee should meet and report at all quarterly meeting on how information is being communicated to the members
The Communication Committee may not incur any expenses without approval from the Executive Committee. All expenses must be submitted to the treasurer with receipts to receive compensation. The committee must not incur expenses beyond the amount authorized by the Executive Committee.
The committee may organize itself as it sees fit. The reporting to any executive committee meeting or to a quarterly meeting will be through the chairperson of their designee.
Water Quality Committee
To monitor and track changes in the water quality of Angle Pond and the interaction with property owners and members of the Angle Pond Lake Association. Look at the ecological health and identify problems before they impact the water quality.
To work with the Department of Environmental Services, Volunteer Lake Assessment Program (VLAP) to take water samples, per the state’s recommendation and send samples to the state for analysis. Monitoring and tracking results will identify problems before they impact the water quality in a proactive way and to raise awareness to the property owners.
The committee should meet and report at all quarterly meeting on the state of the water quality at Angle Pond. If at any time the committee decides that an action needs to be taken to address a water issue, the committee should address this with the proper State of NH agency and the chairperson will notify the president of the APLA for further action.
If the action of the committee is to bring in the state for assistance, the committee chairperson will notify the president of the APLA for further action. The president, after approval from the Executive Committee will provide direction to the Water Quality Committee through the chairperson on the direction the Water Quality Committee will take to address the action.
The Water Quality Committee may not incur any expenses without approval from the Executive Committee. All expenses must be submitted to the treasurer with receipts to receive compensation. The committee must not incur expenses beyond the amount authorized by the Executive Committee.
The committee may organize itself as it sees fit. The reporting to any executive committee meeting or to a quarterly meeting will be through the chairperson of their designee.
Weed Watcher Committee
To monitor the shoreline of Angle Pond for invasive weeds and aquatic creatures at least three times a year if possible. Mark the locations and ask for volunteers to help remove and/or slow down the spread of invasive weeds. Educate the members on what to look for and what steps to take to contain them.
To maintain an environmental balance between the needs of natural weeds and that of the property owners. To monitor the arrival of invasive weeds and other aquatic creatures that will impact Angle Pond and plan on ways to slow down the spread.
The committee should meet and report at all quarterly meeting on the state of the weeds at Angle Pond. If at any time the committee decides that an action needs to be taken to address a weed issue, the committee should address this with the proper State of NH agency and the chairperson will notify the president of the APLA for further action.
If the action of the committee is to alter or remove an invasive weed species, the committee chairperson will notify the president of the APLA for further action. The president, after approval from the Executive Committee will provide direction to the Weed Watcher Committee through the chairperson on the direction the Weed Watcher Committee will take to address the action.
The Weed Watcher Committee may not incur any expenses without approval from the Executive Committee. All expenses must be submitted to the treasurer with receipts to receive compensation. The committee must not incur expenses beyond the amount authorized by the Executive Committee.
The committee may organize itself as it sees fit. The reporting to nay executive committee meeting or to a quarterly meeting will be through the chairperson of their designee.
Wildlife Committee
To maintain a knowledge of the Angle Pond wildlife, the balance between the natural habitat of the wildlife and the interaction with property owners and member of the Angle Pond Lake Association.
To maintain an environmental balance between the wildlife population needs and that of the property owners with regard for population densities, endangered species and property management.
The committee should meet and report at all quarterly meeting on the state of the wildlife at Angle Pond. If at any time the committee decides that an action needs to be taken to address a wildlife issue of protection, the committee should address this with the proper State of NH agency and the chairperson will notify the president of the APLA for further action.
If the action of the committee is to alter or remove a wildlife species, the committee chairperson will notify the president of the APLA for further action. The president, after approval from the Executive Committee will provide direction to the Wildlife Committee through the chairperson on the direction the Wildlife Committee will take to address the action.
The Wildlife Committee may not incur any expenses without approval from the Executive Committee. All expenses must be submitted to the treasurer with receipts to receive compensation. The committee must not incur expenses beyond the amount authorized by the Executive Committee.
The committee may organize itself as it sees fit. The reporting to any executive committee meeting or to a quarterly meeting will be through the chairperson of their designee.
Beaver trapping- You must have a license to trap and remove beaver from Angle Pond, and only, if they are damaging trees or blocking the dam.
Activities Committee
To plan activities that will benefit all members of the association.
To schedule activities throughout the year so new and current members can meet in a friendly atmosphere. Promote a comradery among members to obtain more volunteers when needed.
The committee should meet and report at all quarterly meeting on the planning and success of schedules events.
The Activities Committee may not incur any expenses without approval from the Executive Committee. All expenses must be submitted to the treasurer with receipts to receive compensation. The committee must not incur expenses beyond the amount authorized by the Executive Committee.
The committee may organize itself as it sees fit. The reporting to any executive committee meeting or to a quarterly meeting will be through the chairperson of their designee.