Angle Pond Lake Association
The Angle Pond Lake Association is committed to watch for changes in water quality and to slow down or stop, if possible, the invasion of harmful weeds or aquatic creatures. Our association works hand in hand with state and local government, and asks for assistance if the lake incurs a major problem.


The Angle Pond Lake Association has five committees: Communications, Invasive Weed Watchers, Water Quality, Social and Wildlife. Committee members collect and deliver water samples, track and communicate test results, survey the pond for invasive species of weeds, aquatic creatures, and wildlife, and plan our social functions.

The Angle Pond Lake Association holds three meetings a year with speakers addressing topics pertaining to the lake environment. We collect dues at our summer cookout ($50 a year) to address problems with the lake and cover expenses.
Founded in 1942

The association was originally founded around 1942 but eventually became inactive until 2006 when a group of residents decided to reinstate the association. Members are property owners on the lake or have deeded beach rights.