Meeting Minutes 2018
Angle Pond Lake Association
Spring Meeting – Minutes
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Hampstead Library 6:30pm
President-Kathy Smith
Vice President-Rick Leather (not present)
Secretary-Melissa Gould (excused) Minutes taken by Vera Kirk
Treasurer – Bill Fleischman (excused)
Communications – Louise Sayre
Member-at-Large – Vera Kirk
Start: 6:30pm (No Speaker)
Introductions of board members
Introductions of new attendees
Rich Hillard
Sharon and George Frick
Secretary’s Report
See minutes from October 14, 2017.
Treasure’s Report – Reported by Louise Sayer for Bill Fleischman
Communications Report – Reported by Louise Sayer
Meeting notice in the newspaper was posted incorrectly as Newton, instead of Hampstead Library.
Weed Committee Report – Reported by Jeanne Fraser
The state would like all lakes checked 4 times a year (May, June, July & Aug).
The state reports a new invasive species; spiny water flea, Angle Pond does NOT have it.
Bladderwort is back and has been spotted near the campground.
Jeanne is doing monthly weed checks during the summer months.
Jeanne found some Chinese mystery snails in the lake last week.
Water Quality Report – Reported by Brant Sayre
In July 2017 e-coli was found in flow from the brook inlet from the horse farm above. The area is being monitored.
The entire lake (all inlets, outlets and middle of lake) is monitored during June, July & Aug.
Each testing takes 2 hours and the cost (depending on the tests) is between $60 and $100.
Member Report:
There is a blue tint to the scum on the water during spring and fall. Brant responded that is Cyanobacteria.
Suds at the shore? Brant reported that suds are a natural event when sediment at the bottom of the lake deteriorates and forms gas and this gas comes to the surface as suds.
President’s Report – Reported by Kathy Smith
Donna Lussier has volunteered to update the APLA website. She will post the minutes from previous meetings.
Volunteers are needed for all committees especially weed control. If you are willing to help, please send an email to anglepond@gmail.com
July 4th Holiday Events
Angle Pond boat parade and water skiers with flags will be at 6pm on July 4th.
Adam L. will be doing a display of fireworks on Saturday, July 7th at dusk.
APLA Meeting along with Picnic & Raffle
The annual summer APLA picnic and meeting will be held at Richie Towne’s home on Holt Point Road. The meeting will begin at 11am followed by a BBQ and raffle.
End: 7:30pm
Angle Pond Lake Association
Summer Meeting – Minutes
Saturday, July 18, 2018
Richie Towne Residence 11am
President-Kathy Smith
Vice President-Rick Leather
Secretary-Melissa Gould (excused) Minutes taken by Rick Leather
Treasurer – Bill Fleischman
Communications – Louise Sayre
Member-at-Large – Vera Kirk
Start: 11:20am (No Speaker dues were collected at the beginning)
Introductions of board members
Introductions of new attendees
President Kathy Smith –
Thanked Bob Iacopucci for the ski show. Thanked Adam Lamond for the fireworks. Commented on the fireworks ending with neighbors (Hensiek’s) singing a nice and loud rendition of “God bless America”.
Discussed the elections of officers. Member-at-Large is up for re-election next year.
Secretary’s Report – Reported by Rick Leather
See minutes from May 24, 2018.
Announced the minutes of the last meeting (were not read) are on the APLA web site, www.anglepond.com and the email address is anglepond@gmail.com.
Treasure’s Report – Reported by Bill Fleischman
$2,200 approximately in the checking account
$2500 in the savings
$11,265 in the CD
Money is for the future of the lake and possible milfoil remediation
Current spending goes towards water quality testing, renting a PO Box, summer cookout, fishing derby.
Membership: year/members, 2012/53, 2013/54, 2014/47, 2015/42, 2016/67, 2017/68
Water Quality Report – Reported by Brant Sayre
June and July are done, no noted changes in clarity or PH, state collected plankton, checked
oxygen at three levels, all looks good.
Wildlife Report – Reported by Jim Henneman
No problems with beavers, people have seen loons, eagles, herrings.
Communications Report – Reported by Louise Sayer
Please sign in today and make sure we have email addresses for communicating in the APLA.
Social Committee – Reported by Tom Hensiek
Fishing Derby is Sunday, August 19th from 9 am to 11 am.
Weed Committee – Reported by Jeanne Fraser
Goes around the lake once a month from May to September. Looks for evasive items such as Chinese mystery snails, phragmites, milfoil, etc. On June 29th milfoil was found in Holts Point Cove. It was removed. The state came after that and did an evaluation and found no other milfoil. Pictures of milfoil were handed out to meeting attendees. Explained that the best way to monitor is for everyone who lives on the lake to look out for it. It has a florescent bright green color to it. If you see it notify the state or can contact Jean or the APLA. Question was asked where it came from and the answer was don’t know. It was explained that when a lake gets it, it can be costly and difficult to get rid of it.
President Kathy Smith –
Announced the next meeting will be Saturday, October 13, 2018 at the library. Clothes are available for sale after the meeting and the proceeds go to the APLA fund as well as all monies derived from the raffle to follow.
End: 12:05 pm
And a social cookout was held.
Angle Pond Lake Association
Fall Meeting – Minutes
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Hampstead Library 10:00am
President-Kathy Smith
Vice President-Rick Leather (excused)
Secretary-Melissa Gould
Treasurer – Bill Fleischman (excused)
Communications – Louise Sayre
Member-at-Large – Vera Kirk
Start: 10:00am (No Speaker)
Introductions of board members
Secretary’s Report
See minutes from July 18, 2018 – Summer meeting and cookout.
Treasure’s Report – Reported by Kathy Smith for Bill Fleischman
APLA dues for 2018 remain at $40.
Communications Report – Reported by Louise Sayer
If your email address has changed please let Louise know.
Water Quality Report – Reported by Brant Sayre
The Angle Pond water testing indicated no concerns, all is status quo.
President’s Report
Open APLA Positions and Volunteers Needed
A resident willing to be the member-at-large for the APLA (currently held by Vera Kirk) will be voted on at the Summer 2019 meeting.
2 residents currently volunteer to keep an eye on the lake for invasive weeds. A few more volunteers would be helpful and lessen the workload the the two volunteers. If you are willing to help, please send an email to anglepond@gmail.com
Angle Pond was not charged for the 3 visits that divers made to Angle Pond over the summer to identify and then remove milfoil. Only 2 divers work for the entire state of NH. Many lakes hire their own divers. A resident suggested funds could be raised for Angle Pond if necessary for milfoil removal. Big Island Pond shows the amount of money raised on a buoy on their lake. It was suggested that the state would need to approve that. A sign up sheet for residents interested in working together to control the milfoil was passed around. 12 residents signed up.
2018 APLA Fishing Derby
The APLA fishing derby was held on Sunday, August 19th and approximately 20 people participated. Surprisingly, only 6-7 fish caught this year, and only 1 bass but lots of fun and prizes.
Wildlife Report – Reported by Jim Henneman
No reports of beaver nuisance.
End: 11:30am