2016 Water Quality Testing
The Angle Pond Lakes Association is fortunate to have a group of volunteers who work with the NH Department of Environmental Science (DES) to monitor the short and long term quality of the water in the pond. Brant Sayre and Jim Henneman are the mainstays of the group. Others join them when available.
Samples are collected once a month during June, July, and August. They are collected at several locations and from several depths. The clarity of the water ( how deep a Secchi disk can be seen ) is recorded as well. Water is also collected in the proximity of any running streams flowing into the lake to identify any possible pollutants.
Samples are brought to the state lab in Concord to be tested for their chemical composition and variety of any living plankton (aka “little bugs”). A report is returned to the group and the results are shared at APLA meetings. APLA dues are used to pay the state for their work.
Mr. Sayre and his ever-changing team will have been collecting samples for twelve years in 2017. With all that data, the state will be able to produce a longitudinal study of the health of Angle Pond.