Meeting Minutes 2017
Angle Pond Lake Association
Spring Meeting – Minutes
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Hampstead Library 6:30pm
- President-Kathy Smith
- Vice President-Rick Leather (not in attendance)
- Secretary-Melissa Gould
- Treasurer – Bill Fleischman
- Communications – Louise Sayre
- Member-at-Large – Vera Kirk
Attendees – 20
Start – 6:30pm
- Introductions of board members
- Secretary’s Report – Melissa Gould
- See minutes from October 8, 2016
- Treasure’s Report – Bill Fleischman
- Checking Balance: $4,061.84
- Savings Balance: $10,037.95
- Communications Report – Louise Sayer
- If you’ve changed your email address please update Louise Sayer
- Weed Committee – reported by Kathy Smith for Jeanne Fraser
- Jeanne is already out on the lake checking for non-native plant species – none found
- Anyone who would like to volunteer to assist in the weed watch, please contact a board member to be put in touch with Jeanne
- Water Quality Report – Brant Sayre
- Reported on the results of the state testing
- Lake continues to be in good shape as it has since testing began in 2005
- 944 lakes in NH, Angle Pond is one of only a few without Milfoil
- Appears to be less algae growth
- Residents are encouraged to reduce storm water off into the lake
- Water testing will be done again in June, July and August
- Cost is $60 per sample for state to test, worth the investment
- Water Quality Report – Brant Sayre continued
- Brant and Louise will attend the upcoming lakes meeting in Concord, NH
- Anyone is welcome to join them
- Reported on the results of the state testing
- Wildlife Report – Brant Sayre (Jim Hennemann not in attendance)
- Beavers have been spotted but no action will be taken as no damage has been reported
- Loons, Blue Heron, Swans, Eagles and Buffalo Head Ducks have all been seen on the lake
- Members are encouraged not feed the ducks or geese
- Contact Brant or Jim if you have any wildlife issues on the lake.
- President’s Report – Kathy Smith
- July 2017 canvas was a success. Membership increased from 42 to 67
- Cookout will be on July 15th again hosted by Richie Towne at 23 Holt Pond Road at 11am
- Fundraiser at cookout
- 50/50
- Raffle items:
- APLA sweatshirt
- APLA hat
- Citgo gas card
- Citgo gas card
- Citgo gas card
- Mary Kay pampering gift basket
- Framed photo Angle Pond
- Date of 4th of July boat parade put up for discussion
- Voted to hold parade on Tuesday, July 4th at 5pm
- Boaters are encouraged to be OFF the lake by 4:30pm for calm water for parade skiers
- Rain date for parade TBD (tentative date is Monday, July 3rd at 6pm)
- Fishing Derby
- Will be held in August – date TBD
- Suggestion to send Angle Pond dues invoice as an attachment in the next email prior to canvas
- 4 sign-up sheets passed around to encourage more involvement and lake activities
- Volunteer Sign Up Sheet to plan Activities
- Suggestions from meeting participants included:
- Potluck in town building
- Progressive dinner by boat
- Monthly boat flotilla with karaoke
- Suggestions from meeting participants included:
- Volunteer Sign Up Sheet to get Speakers – free or minimal fee (up to $200)
- Suggestions from meeting participants included:
- Wildlife
- Police/Rescue/Fire – drugs, property protection, safe boating
- Water – chemical info, run off prevention
- Landscaper – plants and suggestions to prevent water run off
- Suggestions from meeting participants included:
- Volunteer Sign Up Sheet to participate in Canvas for APLA Members
- Volunteer Sign Up Sheet to become Website Coordinator
- Volunteer Sign Up Sheet to plan Activities
Open Discussion
- Resident brought up the possibility in plant growth due to the insertion/removal of dam boards
- The state controls the dam and are in charge of insertion/removal of dam boards
- Twice in the past the state has been approached by a resident not APLA
- State sends out petition to residents with lake access asking each to vote
- State takes action based on the results of the petition
- In the past this may have been a request due to wells running day
- Further discussion ensued with some believing that water level does not affect plant growth
- APLA clothing – Brant Sayre
- A variety of golf shirts, sweatshirts, hats, etc. were brought to the meeting for purchase.
End – 7:50pm
Angle Pond Lake Association
Summer Meeting – Minutes
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Richie Town’s House 11am
- President-Kathy Smith
- Vice President-Rick Leather
- Secretary-Melissa Gould
- Treasurer – Bill Fleischman
- Communications – Louise Sayre
- Member-at-Large – Vera Kirk
Attendees – 65
Start – 11:00am
- Speaker
- A speaker on the topic of milfoil was scheduled but that individual was unable to attend. Therefore we had no speaker at the July meeting.
- Introductions of board members
- Secretary’s Report – Melissa Gould
- See minutes from May 10, 2017
- Communications Report – Louise Sayer
- If you’ve changed your email address please update Louise Sayer.
- Weed Committee – reported by Jeanne Fraser
- Jeanne reported bladderwort is less than last summer. She is still watching phragmite and this year noticed they can have long runners – she found one 15 feet in length. The state suggests phragmite be covered for 2 years to hopefully kill. Using a week whacker will slow but not kill phragmite. 1 plume has over 1000 seeds! No other non-native plant species found. Toss Chinese mystery snails out of the lake and on to dry land to die. In July Jeanne will check center of lake and in August she will again check the shore.
- Anyone who would like to volunteer to assist in the weed watch, please contact a board member to be put in touch with Jeanne.
- Wildlife Report – reported by Jim Hennemann
- Beavers have been spotted but no action will be taken as no damage has been reported.
- Loons, Blue Herons, Swans, Osprey, Eagles, and a trumpet swam have all been seen on the lake.
- Members are encouraged not feed the ducks or geese.
- Contact Brant or Jim if you have any wildlife issues on the lake.
- Water Quality Report – Brant Sayre
- June water testing has been complete.
- July will be done this Wednesday, then samples taken to the state.
- The state reports back on final water conditions after samples from all 3 months are complete.
- See the website for pictures of the process of how water samples are taken.
- All indications seem to be that Angle Pond is in good shape as it has since testing began in 2005.
- Brant is looking for fish samples to take to state to test for mercury.
- 5-6 fish are needed for testing. Any kind, under 12” in length.
- Drop fish off at Brant’s house or call a board member. Fish will be frozen and taken to state.
- Best practice in this lake is to catch and release all fish caught.
- If anyone eats a fish from the lake they would be advised to eat a small fish, less than 12” long.
- Lake Activities – reported byTom Hensiek
- Fishing Derby will be held on Sunday, August 20th from 9-11am.
- Meet at the Trues Parkway ramp.
- Prizes will be awarded in many categories for the kids who participate.
- Treasure’s Report – Bill Fleischman
- Bill moved some of our money into a CD to increases interest from .01% to 1.0%.
- Checking Balance: $2,100.00
- Saving Balance: $540.00
- CD Balance: $11,500.00
- President’s Report – Kathy Smith
- July 2017 canvas was a success and participants were thanked. Nice to touch base with our lake community and invite to the BBQ and be given a flyer with updated info which can also be found on the website.
- Fireworks around the lake were enjoyed by all. These fireworks were all private, and not funded or supported by the APLA. Thanks to Adam and others around the lake for the show.
- The 2017 boat parade was a great success with floats and water skiers. Thanks to all the participants. If you’d like to be a water skier for 2018, let Bob (who drives the boat) or a board member know and participation can be arranged.
- Thanks to Richie Town for hosting the 2017 summer meeting and BBQ.
- Raffle/Fundraiser Winners!
- APLA sweatshirt – Jan Higgins
- APLA hat – Jan Higgins
- Citgo gas card $25.00 – Brett Kierstead
- Citgo gas card $25.00 – Rick Johnston
- Citgo gas card $50.00 – Jim Hennimann
- Citgo gas card $100.00 – Art Kearley
- Mary Kay pampering gift basket – Dave Fraiser
- Mary Kay facial – Jan Sullivan
- Framed photo Angle Pond – Mike Higgins
- Raffle ticket sales brought the APLA $350 as a fund raiser
Open Discussion
- If anyone knows who has the drone footage of the July fireworks on Angle Pond, please let a board member know as some individuals would like to see the footage.
End – 1:30pm
Angle Pond Lake Association
Fall Meeting – Minutes
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Hampstead Library 10am – 11am
- President-Kathy Smith
- Vice President-Rick Leather
- Secretary-Melissa Gould
- Treasurer – Bill Fleischman (excused)
- Communications – Louise Sayre
- Member-at-Large – Vera Kirk
Attendees – 17
Start – 10:00am (No Speaker)
- Introductions of board members
- Secretary’s Report – reported by Melissa Gould
- See minutes from July 15, 2017
- Treasure’s Report – reported by Louise Sayer for Bill Fleischman
- Checking Balance: $1,925.49
- Saving Balance: $2,539.84
- CD: $11,529.33 (make $29.33 in interest)
- Total: $15,994.66
- Communications Report – Reported by Louise Sayer
- Meeting notices will continue to be posted in local papers.
- If you’ve changed your email address please update Louise Sayer.
- Member at Large – Reported by Vera Kirk
- Raffle/Fundraiser – thank to all those who donated items.
- APLA sweatshirt and hat (2 items)
- Citgo gas cards $25 (2), $50 and 100 (4 items)
- Mary Kay pampering gift basket and facial coupon (2 items)
- Framed photo Angle Pond
- Raffle ticket sales brought the APLA $333 as a fund raiser.
- Members agreed to repeat for 2018.
- Additional donations offered by APLA members at the July picnic (for 2018) included:
- A wine basket, bakery items, a beer sign (possibly).
- Raffle/Fundraiser – thank to all those who donated items.
- Wildlife Report – Reported by Brant Sayre
- Beavers, red fox, groundhogs, skunks and possums have been spotted around the lake but no action will be taken as no damage has been reported.
- Ducks, Geese, Loons, Blue Herons, Osprey, Eagles, and 1 trumpet swam have all been seen on the lake.
- Contact Brant Sayre or Jim Hennemann if you have any wildlife issues on the lake.
- Water Quality Report – Reported by Brant Sayre
- Water is the highest it’s been in many years (60 years according to Rick Leather)
- Phosphorous and oxygen both tested high but still within middle-of the-road range. All indications are that Angle Pond is in good shape as it has been since testing began in 2005.
- This year water clarity tested at 2 to 2.5 meters, last year was unusually high at 4 meters.
- No boards have been removed from the dam at the date of the meeting.
- The state makes all decision on when to remove each board based on snow/rain and other factors.
- Weed Committee – Reported by Jeanne Fraser
- Jeanne went around the lake on October 7th to review the weed situation.
- Phragmite is still in places around the lake including a new area by the dam (by the gazebo).
- APLA residents are encouraged to assist and support the quest to get rid of this invasive plant.
- Purple Loosestrife is invasive and all around and difficult to get rid of.
- Some water lilies with a pink blush are actually native while other pure pink lilies with large leaves are non-native.
- Mystery snails and their empty shells (often clumped together) have been spotted.
- No Asian clams have been found.
- Lake Activities – Reported by Rick Leather
- Fishing Derby was held on Sunday, August 20th from 9-11am.
- 25 individuals participated.
- Winning pickerel was approximately 22”.
- Winning bass was approximately 14.5”.
- The derby is a great social event. All participants have a great time out on the lake.
- Fishing Derby was held on Sunday, August 20th from 9-11am.
- President’s Report – Reported by Kathy Smith
- Canvas
- July 2017 canvas was a success. Thanks to all who participated.
- 8 new APLA members.
- Membership stands at 65, up from 40
- All those who paid APLA yearly dues were given 2 APLA drink koozies.
- Fireworks
- Fireworks around the lake were enjoyed by all.
- Emails
- 2 emails were received
- Both requesting info on how to launch boats from property near Angle Pond
- Replies were sent stating Angle Pond has no public access
- Winter Potluck Discussion
- An APLA member suggested a potluck dinner as a social activity.
- Venue could be a Sandown location such as the Sandown Rec building.
- Tricia Edris suggested the idea
- Board members will approach her to see if she would like to spearhead this event
- A proposal with cost estimates, etc will need to be presented back to the APLA board.
- Speakers
- It was suggested that only spring and fall meetings (not summer) have guest speakers.
- Website Updates
- A request was put forward for someone to take over the APLA website maintenance.
- Rick Leather agreed to take over website maintenance in 2018.
Open Discussion
- Clothing – Brant Sayre can put in custom order for APLA branded clothing.
- Sweatshirts, hoodies, hats, t-shirt, collar shirts – perfect for holiday gift giving! Call
- Brant to place your order (603-490-3210).
End – 11:00am